Work Behavior

iWAM - iwam5


Related Training and Solutions:
iWAM Certification:
• Executive Coaching: Leadership Team Development
• AC for Recruitment and Tool Box*
• AC for High-Potential and Tool Box*
• Annual Talent Audit and Tool Box*
* DIY Toolbox Available


Talent Potential Modeling:
Using statistical analysis of your current top performers we can create role or job-specific models. Using this model we can then filter candidates/employees. This model will then highlight the candidates most suitable for the job. This model fits perfectly into either your recruitment process or when selecting high potentials. What’s more it gives you an opportunity to duplicate the success of top performers.

To create the model we interview and map the top performers and line managers. The interviews will take about 30-70 minutes, and the whole process of designing an MOE needs no longer than a week. The final model is very easy to understand, use and integrate with you existing processes.






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Assessment tools

iWAM Potential and Talent Assessment

iWAM is an assessment tool which is able to make an inventory of individual working attitude and motivation. Read More>