Work Behavior

iWAM - iwam2

• Difficult to manipulate results
• Accurate & Credible
• Easily administered internally
• Provides insight into attracting and retaining talent
• Predicts development potential
• Predicts work performance
• Identifies behavior pattern
• Identifies what language motivates test taker

• The iWAM assessment tool will help you identify what motivates the test taker, and additionally, will give you guidance on how to satisfy these motives in order to increase work performance.

• Efficiency: Sometimes the moment a candidate walks into the door you get the feeling that the interview might be a waste of time for you both and the candidate. Since iWAM is available online, it saves you time by testing people before the intitial interview.

• Reliability: Accurate research is our priority. iWAM with the help of several universities has created a test that helps eliminate the chance of test falsification thus increasing both the validity and reliability of our test.

• Low cost: iWAM is available at a fraction of the cost of other evaluation models with comparable features. This comparative low cost is made possible by both the online nature of the test as well as our commitment to customer satisfaction.

• Flexibility: The iWAM management report can be used as a management and teambuilding tool. The report indicates how people will react in a managerial role, an administrative function, or a customer-oriented function. Additionally, it can indicate what kind of language will motivate the person.

• The Inventory for Work Attitude & Motivation (iWAM) assessment tool measures a person’s motivation and attitude at work. It gives a reading of what kind of work, tasks, environment, language, etc. motivates a specific individual.

• The iWAM is based on a powerful technology that identifies 48 thinking and behavior patterns divided into 16 categories. iWam has substantial history in the West, having been used in both the USA and Europe since 1981.

• The iWAM Management Report identifies a person's motivational and attitude preferences in the job context and predicts how this person will behave in different job types, such as administrative work, customer contact, or managerial tasks.

• The iWAM Attitude Sorter predicts key motivational preferences and development areas. It gives managers insight into how to communicate, select, motivate, manage, train and coach a wide variety of different employees.

• iWAM provides eight different kind of reports: summarized or detailed, individual, paired or team, visual or verbal.

• iWAM provides an accurate analysis by providing for cultural and diversity factors based on different culture standard groups.

• iWAM is easily integrated into different existing human resources applications: internal & external selection, retention, training and coaching.

• With iWAM performance models are easily created and updated.

• iWAM has been created to be very convenient with its: online assessment, complete online system, easily customized company logo, automatic creation of reports, ranking lists, interview questions list, and more!

in this section

Assessment tools

iWAM Potential and Talent Assessment

iWAM is an assessment tool which is able to make an inventory of individual working attitude and motivation. Read More>